It's hard to be bored when living in Dallas. You've got all kinds of attractions to visit, like the Dallas World Aquarium and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, a variety of gorgeous parks like the Dallas Arboretum and White Rock Lake, and too many fantastic restaurants and bars to name.
However, sometimes you'd rather just stay in with the family or entertain some guests, and one of the best activities in times like those is to shoot some pool. Before you do that, you may need to stop by one of the most reputable pool table supply stores in town — Billiard Factory.
Founded in 1975 by Larry Stick, Billiard Factory started as a single store on Telephone Road in Houston, Texas. Through both organic growth and strategic acquisitions, the company has expanded over the past four decades. Today, it operates 11 retail stores, and multiple distribution centers, and boasts a dedicated team of employees.
Here are some tips to keep in mind next time you look for a pool table:
What makes a great pool experience? Some might say it's more about the company you keep when you're shooting pool than the table itself, but there's no doubt that a better table can help you have a better time.
Before you stop at the billiard supplies store, consider the following:
With lower-end pool tables, you can save yourself several thousand dollars, which can be a big plus when your budget isn't all that high. However, the quality of these tables can be significantly lower than if you go up just a notch or two in terms of price.
Lower quality doesn't only affect the experience you can have with your table; it also affects the long-term durability of your investment. In other words, investing more up front may save you money in the long run.
Brand research with your pool table is crucial regardless of budget. Knowing which brands are the most reputable and what they offer can help you strike the perfect balance between quality and affordability.
Provided your top priority isn't finding a table of the highest possible quality, there is likely one out there that can get you the experience you're looking for without costing you $10,000.
Narrowing down your search can be a lot easier when you've got a list of specifics to seek out. If you're dead set on slate, you've eliminated plenty of possible selections. The same goes for if you prefer return pockets to drop pockets, and so on.
Other factors to consider are the rail material, table material, table size, quality of cloth or felt, and the overall style of the table.
Picking out the perfect table and getting it set up at home only to realize your cue hits the wall every time you go to shoot can be a game room nightmare. That's why it's important to consider the amount of room you're working with and choose your table accordingly.
As a general rule of thumb, you want to leave an extra 5' of space around the table at a minimum, but more space is always better. Always take a look at a pool room size chart and break out the tape measure before making any purchases.
And remember that if you do find that the 9' table of your dreams couldn't possibly fit in your space, there are smaller tables that can more than adequately fulfill those same dreams.
There's more to the billiards experience than the table itself, and unless you're only planning on using yours for some quirky dinner parties, you'll need to stock up on the necessary accessories in order to enjoy it. For your pool table, you're going to need the following:
These are the minimum requirements for billiard supplies, but there's a lot more you can get to enhance the experience. When you're just starting out, it can be best to simply pick up an all-in-one pool table accessory kit, but once you're ready to expand, there's plenty more you can add.
Also, keep in mind that your pool table will require adequate lighting. Any light that isn't directly above the table will cast shadows and make shooting more difficult. Make sure to get a pool table light and hang it directly above for optimal enjoyment.
When you need billiard supplies in Dallas, Billiard Factory will be happy to help you out. Stop by our store or give us a call to learn more.